Our Fertility Blog

Our Conceiving Journey



Thursday, January 14, 2012 I went for my blood work this morning to find out if the embryo transfer took.  I woke up not feeling all that great, but thought it was just the normal cramping from the progesterone. Around 9:00am when I was at work I had the most horrible back and stomach pain.  […]


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Day 14 – Day After Egg Retrieval & Progesterone Shot

Wednesday, May 30, 2012. I decided to try and go into work today, which was probably a mistake.  Like last time I was walking like an old lady and was just cramping a lot.  I took my antibiotic and also a vicodin to help with the pain.  I ended up being way to drowsy at […]


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How Many Embryos Survived

Monday, March 5, 2012 I received a call today from Tony at RMA.  Unfortunately only one embryo made it to day five.  That embryo’s cells were sent off for genetic testing.  It takes about two to three weeks to get the results back from the genetic testing. All weekend I subconsciously had a fear that […]



Day 5 After Egg Retrieval

Friday, March 2, 2012 I am actually feeling like myself again today.  It only took five days to stop cramping, having twinges and pulls in my stomach.  Also my breasts are still very tender they almost feel bruised. Here is the update. Four eggs were fertilized The four eggs have started turning into embryos Not […]


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