Our Fertility Blog

Our Conceiving Journey


Thursday, January 14, 2012

I went for my blood work this morning to find out if the embryo transfer took.  I woke up not feeling all that great, but thought it was just the normal cramping from the progesterone.

Around 9:00am when I was at work I had the most horrible back and stomach pain.  I went to the restroom and I was urinating blood but also bleeding.  I called RMA and they said that probably was not a good sign, but I would need to wait until the results came back later that afternoon.  I ended up feeling sicker and threw up in the restroom.  That was it I was going home for the day.

I got home and took tylenol and sat on the heating pad.  Both things did help.  The nurse at RMA mentioned it was possible I had a UTI.  I kept feeling the urge to urinate and I knew I had one.  Luckily I had some left over bladder medicine from a couple of years ago.  I have a doctors appt tomorrow for the UTI.  Boy I sooooo hate that urge to urinate frequently and then nothing comes out.

I received the call from Dr. Hudson around 1:30pm and the test came back negative.  I already had that suspicion since I was bleeding.  My heart still sunk and I just felt so sad.  This would be easier to handle if I wasn’t s darn sick.  If we decide to go for a third round we will meet with the doctor to go over in detail about the last two cycles.  Actually we may just meet with her anyway to see if she could shed some light on the situation.  Dr Arredondo is on vacation so we would meet with Dr. Hudson.

Now if I can just get some rest and sleep through the night I would feel better.  Damn UTI’s

I spent the rest of the afternoon prepping the bridal shower invites to try and take my mind off of everything.

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